Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dawn is Falling and Dusk is Rising

I've noticed some things as of late.
My life is stuck in a constant circle, got to school, due homework, get yelled at, eat something, get yelled at more, get on the computer, sleep, repeat. Its begginning to irratate me. I sometimes wonder if I am misssing out on something here, its always like this. Oh well, story of my life.

I've also noticed how unrealistic religion can be. I like seeing things, touching, and smelling, I don't like blind faith. So when I was in church this last Sunday, I sat there and wondered if there wasn't something we were missing. Like some thing that someone forgot to put into the bible that made it make a whole lot more scence. Like if you tap your heals together and say "There's no place like home" or "Beam me up Socty" or "Paging God, can you hear me now?" and be able to talk to God. But that would be too easy, wayyy too damn easy.

Ugh, I'll post later, I have homework I need to do, joy~!

1 comment:

  1. Wow. 'Bout time somebody realized the trouble with religion. Go Racheru-chan!!!
